There are three activities this week, as follows:

  1. Ski Trip Briefing: This is a briefing for all those that are going to Sansicario in two weeks time. This will cover:
    • Safety on the slopes, whilst out and about, in and out of the hotel
    • Itinerary
    • Handing in of passports, EHIC cards and permission forms
    • Any other questions

    This meeting is essential for all participants. It will start at 6.40pm PROMPT and finish at 6.55pm – doors will be open at 6.30pm please don’t be late, we will start at 6.40pm or as soon as everyone is there whichever is sooner. If you you can’t get to the meeting you need to let us know so we can make arrangements to cover the information – you will already have organised to get your forms, EHIC and passport to on or before Feb 4th as advised in our trip information pack sent to you on January 24th.

  2. Smalls: we are doing an indoor activity outdoors so please make sure to have a coat and gloves, it might be a bit cool.
  3. Bigs: first aid for your expeditions and a D of E catch up session.

Next week (Feb 11th) we will be going to Ackers for a ski session for the evening. We will meet at 7 – 7.15 in time to get ready for the session from 7.45 to 8.45pm. We have booked three instructors – no one is a world champion, we could all do with a bit of help – so they will be available to everyone to improve their ability no matter how good anyone thinks they are. One of the instructors will be available exclusively for beginners to get them started. We need to know how many beginners there are so we can make sure we have enough instructors. So, if you cannot use the button lift, turn and control your speed you will need to start off with the beginner group – you may be able to progress from there to the full slope during the evening but you won’t be able to start on the full slope. Please let us know if you need to be in the beginners group to start. Thanks!!

See you tuesday!